My first post in 2017. I am not going to talk too much in this occasion, I just want to say “hi” to this new year. 2017, sounds cool to me. I love the number, and I wish a better…


I am only using SPSS for almost half a year now, and I can say that people who are able to use this program properly can benefited a lot. Not only for research purpose, but it also has a big…

Kembali Ke Mesjid Turki

Untuk pertama kalinya setelah beberapa bulan, saya kembali solat jumat di mesjid Turki. Baru ingat kembali kalau disini solat sunnat sebelum dan sesudah solat jumat nya berbeda dengan mesjid lain. Jamaah disana solat sunnat 4 rakaat sebelum dan sesudah solat…